When I was in Warsaw, I went to one of my favorite stores, Louis Vuitton. I have since early 2017 grown an addiction to buying LV’s!

Louis Vuitton Warsaw can be found at a department store called Vitkac. I went to the store at 11AM, basically when they just opened. I feel like it is best to go there when they just have opened, because there might be fewer shoppers. The store is two stories high. At the ground floor was the luggage, some womens bags, slgs, belts, scarves and jewelries. The second floor had menswear and shoes and some more bags.

Here are some of the things I got from Louis Vuitton Poland 🙂

I got myself a Toiletry 19 🙂 I have been eyeing it from time to time, but it was never in my priority list. I knew I wanted a toiletry case from Poland. However they didn’t have the one I wanted. I asked for the toiletry, but all they had were big ones. Luckily, the SA who helped suddenly said ” Oh, wait we have one right here, the last one”. or something like that. It’s really nice and I think it is the best size.

The second items I got from Poland was the wonderful Polish Stamp of Chopin.

Before going to Poland I had a few tags with me. Luckily I have some friends who sent me tags for my future travels, so I was able to bring their tags with me on my spontaneous trip.

So when I was in LV, I asked the SAs if they had any special stamps, apparently they did not they said they only had letters. While getting some help from the SA who helped me with the toiletry, I asked her about the stamp and she was like “Yes! We have it!”. So she arraged for the tags I had to be stamped. Turns out she was the manager  🙂 I left my tags at the store, since they were very busy. I went to the park and then when I came back after and hour or so, the tags were stamped.

Here is my tag.

Here are all the stamped tags I have 🙂

The stamp really looks like the statue of Chopin!

It is one of the coolest looking stamp I have in my collection and I am ever grateful to Magdalena of Louis Vuitton Warsaw 🙂 I actually went back after I left the store just to thank her <3


Here are some photos from my first full day in Warsaw.

From my aparthostel to the tram station, I walked fast these statues and wall art. I thought they were cool 🙂

While at a store looking to buy somethinng to drink, I spotted Cola Lime. I don’t think I have ever tasted Cola Lime before, so I bought it. It tastes just how you would imagine coke and lime 🙂

They have KFC in Warsaw, why can’t we get that here? I went to KFC for lunch and tried their Oriental meal. It was rice and some chicken topped with teriyaki sauce. It was okay!

Here are some photos from street.

A candy store that I visited and bought lots of candies from 😀

The two following photo’s are not from the street, but . Although I basically just walked a straight line to go to here. So I went to the Holy Cross Church. Not because I am religious, but because the Heart of Chopin is stored here. The photo quality is from my zoomed in phone. I thought it would be disrespectful to use my camera who makes a shutter noise.

Here are some photos from after my visit to the Copernicus Science Centre.

Part of the beach was closed or is still under construction. a lot of people were at the promenade, biking, walking and drinking.

This is the famous Palm Tree at Rondo de Gaulle’a. It actually gives me the beach-y vibe  

After walking for about half an hour, I saw that Warsaw had TK Maxx! That is so cool! I did go there, but I didn’t find anything I wanted and I couldn’t buy anything since I don’t have much space.

 The following photos were taken after I have eaten dinner and on my way home. I went back towards the Palm Tree, since the tram station towards my hostel was near there.

One thing I like about Warsaw is that on their information board on tram departures, they have wheel chair indications. So people on wheel chair knows which trams to take and not to take. Oslo or #Ruter should learn from them!

Day 1 in Warsaw was great! It was tiresome and not too mention hot! I really liked it and would actually want to return to visit the places I wasn’t able to.

After the Copernicus centre, I still wandered off and wanted to eat someplace. I went to a place where they had a lot of restaurants, but I was looking for Polish cuisine. I think I walked about 30 minutes before finding a restaurant that served Polish food.

The place is called Specjały Regionalne and is located at 44. I saw that they were serving Authentic Polish dishes, so I went there.

The waitress was very kind and helped me pick my meal.

The meal that I chose is called Forszmak Lubelski which is a traditional beef goulash from Lublin region with barley grits and a scoof of cream. I think it is sour cream, since it was a bit sour 🙂 It cost  45 PLN about 102NOK. I was actually considering appetizers or side dishes. I am so glad I didn’t because I was so full after eating this! It was a good meal! I liked it a lot.

For my drink I ordered Wild Rose Fruit Juice. I didn’t know what Wild Rose Fruit juice was, so I decided to try something new. It cost 13 PLN, about 29 NOK. It was sour and not too sweet, which I liked! I love sour things. I kind of wished we had that drink in Norway!

One of my goals during this trip was to try authentic Polish food, which I did get to do! I have a tendancy to eat Asian food when I travel to a foreign county.

I think if I were to given the chance I would go back to the restaurant to try their other dishes as well. They had some meals that sounded interesting to try.

So after visiting the parks, I decided to just follow the road straight ahead. While walking I saw the Copernicus Monument.

The Science lover in me was so happy to see the monument. While looking at the map, I saw that the Copernicus Science Centre was not that far from the monument. About 15 minutes walk, which is not that far. I decided to go there before they closed.

The centre was big and spacious! I think I arrived there a little before 5 PM, and they closed at 7PM. I paid 22 PLN or 50 NOK for the ticket, with a student dicount! The perks of being a student 😛

Here are some photos from the centre. I wasn’t able to take a lot of photos, because I was too busy having fun.


The last pic is blurry yes I know. The centre was big and they had a lot of fun things to try. However, I did kind of feel alone. I mean I was alone and had no one to have fun with, which is sad. I mean, I did have fun, but maybe if I was with someone it would have been much more better. I wasn’t able to take a lot of photos because it is hard taking a photo while playing with some of the stuff at the same time.

One of the places I knew I wanted to visit was the park where Chopin’s statue can be found. I walked from Vitkac shopping centre to the different parks.

The weather in Warsawa was very hot btw, not what I expected and I had a white top and black pants on me. I think it took me about 20minutes to go to Park Ujazdów. That’s because I walk slow and I stop to take photos.

Here are some photos from Park Ujazdów

The park was quite big, and it was a bit nice to go through it. It gave me some shelter from the sun.

I didn’t stay long at the park, because I needed to go to Park Łazienkowski. I didn’t have that much time in Poland, so I can’t really stay at one place for a long time.

Here are some photos from Park Łazienkowski.

And here is the photo of the statue I wanted to see so badly!

And here I am taking a selfie with what seems like a cherry blossom tree and Chopins statue on the background 😂

The park was really nice and big. I did get some rest along the way. The heat made me tired faster.

After the park, I proceeded to go to the Botanical Garden which is actually between the two parks I just visited. The Botanical Garden is not free btw, I did get a student discount on the ticket.

Also there were two beautiful tree beside each other who had really beautiful flowers. I figured I wanted to take a photo with them in the background.

Let me just say that the sun and my eyes are not best friends at all!

I must admit, it is a bit lonely traveling alone. No one there to take a photo of you. I just had to use my arms 🤣 I did have a nice time at the parks 😊 I loved the flowers very much, they were all beautiful 🌸🌸🌸

I stayed at ApartHostel Warzawa during my stay. I arrived quite late, around 12AM, luckily they have a reception that is open 24/7! I received a keycard and a locker key.

I wasn’t able to take a photo of my room/bed because: 1. I arrived really late at night, everyone was sleeping 2. In the morning, people were still sleeping and it is a bit disrespectful to take photos imo.

I borrowed the photos from the hostels website. I think this is basically the room I stayed at. There were three bunk beds, a locker for six people, a vanity table and a shared bathroom

I did try the hostels breakfast before I left. I don’t usually eat at hotels or hostels, a personal preference. I knew I would be using the rest of my time in Warsawa to the fullest. I had to eat before I left.

Breakfast cost 20PLN around 45NOK.

This is my whole breakfast table. The photo is not the best, I had to edit out because of the sun. I sat at the table nearest the electricity sockets, which also happened to be near the window where the sunlight hit the most.

I had lemon and ginger tea for breakfast

I was served milk in a glass bottle, three small servings of greek yoghurt,  and two jams. There was some cereals at a different table.

I was served a platter of 4 sliced bread, sliced tomato, 4 pieces of cheese and 4 pieces of ham and some butter.

The breakfast was too much for me to be honest, I wasn’t able to eat everything up. I did eat up the two jams. They were delicious!

I had a nice experience at the hostel! I just wished they had electricity sockets near the upper bunkbeds. Luckily, I usually woke up early, so it gave me time to charge my phone and powerbanks.

It also takes about 10minutes or less to walk to nearest tram and bus station

Looking at the scratch-off-map that I got from mother last year, I knew I wanted to travel to a place I have never been to before. The choice fell into Poland, and I ordered a cheap package to Warsaw. I ordered through Expedia.no and it cost around 1250 NOK for the tickets and the aparthostel. I figured since I would be traveling alone for the first time since 2012, why not try something I have always wanted to experience. I have always wanted to experience living at a hostel. You know the ones with a bunkbed shared with people.

I must admit I am a bit of a clutz, I did not check my order properly! When I went to check in for my flight, I discovered that the airport was at Torp. Torp takes an hour and a half to reach by train from Nationaltheatret. In comparison it takes  29 minutes by train to go to Gardermoen from Nationaltheatret. I felt like an idiot for not checking my order correctly. It wasn’t that bad btw, just too far!

I was in Poland from Friday night up until Sunday afternoon! It was a short vacation, but such a wonderful one!

I have downsized my shoes after moving out. Most of my summer shoes are at home, and my favorite sneakers has been retired.

So a week ago, I went to XXL to buy vitamin bears 🙈 however we made a pit stop at the shoes section, and my bf found some shoes he liked. While browsing I also found some shoes I want and need.

So we both went out of XXL with each of our shoes and Vitamin Bears on hand 🙈

The inner sole has memory foam which is nice. Also this is a training shoe, but I have used this as my everyday shoe. It is very comfortable and I need comfortable shoes for my every day life that is easy to out on and take off 🙈😅 also it adds color to my wardrobe since all my shoes are in black 😅

Instagram is such a great community! I have made  new friends and met some as well 😊

I went to pick up a package from one of my friends yesterday 😊 It was a happy day 💕 

I got some goodies from Japan. Cute Hello Kitty and My melody tissues. Hello Kitty plastic bags. Got a scrunchy and a hairclip (something I need btw) 🙈

I got Matcha (my fave) and strawberry pocky, chocolate filled biscuit, Calpis candies (which all tastes good), Calbee barbeque chips (which are also delicious).

I was so happy to see these. I also got egg and seaweed furikake! That is perfect since I am running out of furikake 😅

I like receiving things from abroad with goodies not found here 😁 I also like sending out goodies from Norway, but sometimes I feel like we have limited goods here 😔

I am stocking up on things to send to my friends, hopefully they will like what I will send 😊

My birthday was a month ago, and I was supposed to write this then. Unfortunately, I don’t have much free time now as I did before.

I have been 27 for almost a month now, and I honestly don’t feel any different. However, I’m 27! Getting closer to 30 😱

Anyways, as we grow older I have noticed that we get less and less gifts 🙈 I don’t really expect to get any gifts, but I do become very happy when I do 💕

Here are the gifts I have received 😁

From my BBF I received the mermaid teacup, tea, honey, honey dipper and tea infuser 💕

From my Japanese friend I received Pikachu face mask, which I have yet to try💕

From my co-buddy L I received the cute leaf necklace 💕

From my friends L and A, I received Nike tights. I have used the tights a lot since I got it. It’s pretty comfortable 😊

Please don’t pity me just because I received gifts from so few people. The lovliest gift I had was to go to Fangene på Fortet with most of my friends the day after my birthday. The time people gave me was the greatest gift they gave me. These days, meeting people for get-togethers is hard because of busy schedules. There were about 20 people who sacrificed at least 5 hours of their lives to celebrate with me 😁😁😁

I also got three other gifts from two more people 😁

I received a lovely gift from my SA! She’s the best, she’s very kind and helpful 💕 Everyone at LV Oslo are actually very kind and helpful 💕

She gave me a very lovely card holder 😍

I collect LV stamps, and the stamp on the card holder is gorgeous 🤩🤩🤩

The next two gifts are from me to myself 🙈🙈🙈

First one up is the newest Louis Vuitton perfume, Le Jour Se Lève.

I have been eyeing Contre Moi and Apogee for a while , but they weren’t really me type of smell, so I wasn’t willing to splurge on perfume. They cost a bit and it would be a waste if I bought a perfume that isn’t me. I am also not really a perfume type of person, I like have an almost empty bottle of Flowers by Kenzo from 6 years ago 😅

When I smelled this perfume at the event I was at, I fell in love! It reminded me so much of summer and citrus fruits. Also to be fair I had a glass of champagne at the event, so it was easier to buy things lol. Oh right I bought this a few days before my birthday, but chose to get it on my birthday 😂 I have been using the perfume every day btw 😁

Last gift from myself to myself is this cute bag charm. I got it right before Easter and I think it is so Easter-y. Loving the bunny tail a lot 🐰