A month ago I ordered things from Yesstyle, and they arrived a few days ago 🙈
I bought hair color and lip cream and lip sticks from BT21 for myself and my little sister! I even got free samples.
I didn’t really realize until the check out that the hair colors were fairly similar 😂Face mask and sponge. The sponge I gave to my sister since she uses a lot of make up
My sister is a fan of BTS, more than I am and we are going to their concert in under a month. So when i saw BT21 products I did not hesitate to buy for my sister and I.
My sister has the orange one while I have the one that’s yellow. To be honest we kind of forgot what we really chose when I ordered 🙈
Here is the lip swatch of those two lip sticks. Took this from Yesstyle’s page.
I haven’t used the lip sticks and lip cream yet, been so busy I keep forgetting 😊 Hopefully I will be able to use it soon.
Sometimes I hate that Norway is such a small country with little shops. I am however grateful that we do not have Sephora here, yet! I think I would be broke if we had Sephora. They have so many things to choose from.
So when we went to Paris, we were I think at Sephora daily looking at things. I bought a few things for myself and for my sister and friend.
I did not buy much when I was in Paris, and it is because I have a lot of face stuff I still need to use up
I have yet to try the masks and the pimple patches.
I have a pimple patch from Korea that I have used, and they are quite effective as well. Not sure how these are.
Different masks for different purposes for my bestfriend, my sister and I
When I went to Paris last December I found a pimple thing called Sampar! It’s a roll-on ointment that minimizes the pimple and kind of makes it disappear. I asked Sephora and anywhere really, but they don’t carry it at all. So I bought a gel thing from Clinique (a tad bit expensive)
I have been using it a lot and it kinda burns when you put it on a pimple. Hurts in a tolerable way! I think the guy said it kills the bacteria or something. This one is effective as well, unfortunately I have a bad habit of picking on my pimples.
My last purchase though was quite expensive but totally worth it!
It’s a customizable lipstick from Guarlain. So I have my name engraved on the side of the case and if I run out of lipstick, I could always buy a new one, but still keep my case.
So yesterday I went to get my lashes fixed at Oslo Microblading. I have tried lash extentions before, but I didn’t quite like it. So for the past few weeks I have been thinking of getting a lash lift. I don’t wear make-up that often, but always during March I feel the need to look great. It may be because I want to feel and look great when I turn a year older on March.
Anyways, I got my lashes lifted yesterday and here is the before and after photo of me 🙈
As you can see on the photo my lashes were pretty much straight. No curls or anything. I feel like the lashes have made my eyes more lively. I feel prettier 🙈 I can wake up with pretty eyes, and I can wash my face problem-free. With extentions, I wasn’t able to wash my face properly 😅
The whole process took about an hour and the results will last for about 6-8 weeks. Anna, who did my lashes was great! Very nice to talk to and very calming. She explains the what the next step will be and wanted me to be as comfortable as possible. Highly recommended!
I also got my eyebrows waxed! So my eyebrows looks somewhat decent. My brows looks more like sisters now, instead of cousins 😂
On Wednesday, December 20, I was awaiting the arrival of my boyfriend! In the meantime I went to Sephora and shopped!
I don’t usually buy make-up but I felt like I had to, and I actually bought for my sister and some for me.
We don’t have Sephora in Norway 😢 I also wanted to try Rihannas Fenty Beauty make-up!
Here is my haul!
This is the most I have used on make-up! Make-up is so expensive! It’s crazy.
My sister wanted something from Too Faced because ”they smell and tastes so good”. The smell good part is true. I loved the smell of this peach pallette. I did tell my sister that I didn’t buy this because it was expensive. I gave this to her as a Christmas gift, and she loved it!
Next up are a bunch of different things from Sephora such as facial soap, masks, brush cleanser and Sampar!
Sampar is an awesome product. When I came to Paris I had this giant pimple that wouldn’t pop on my face. It was huge and really hurt. I tried Sampar, and it stung so bad, but my pimple got a bit smaller the next day. I visited three more Sephoras to buy more. They were always almost sold out. Almost because whenever they tell me they’re sold out, they try to find one and they’re like ”this is the last one”. Don’t be fooled by the box though, Sampar is tiny!
Next up is Fenty Beauty!
The pallette is for my sister as well, she was very surprised and not to mention happy when she saw it hidden inside her Christmas gift 😊
She wanted a foundation, but since she wasn’t there to test the color, I had to. I am color 210, and risked buying her one in the same color. Luckily it was a perfect fit for her. I did tell her I bought her one, so this was not a surprise for her.
I also bought two Galaxy Lip sticks. The color is absolutely gorgeous 😍 I bought one for myself, and the other one as a reseve.
Here is a photo of me with and without the Fenty Pro Filter.
The left photo was taken on the 21st of December while the right photo was taken on December 24.
The left photo is make-up free, except for the eyebrows, while the right photo is with my full-on make-up 🙈
Not sure if there is much difference.
Neways, then I got a lot of samples! They love giving out samples at Sephora, wished they have out samples here in Norway as well.
These are all the samples I received, I gave some to my sister. I still have to try them out though 😊
Also, going to Sephora make take you longer than expected! My boyfriend had to wait for me for about half an hour because I took too long at Sephora 🙈
If there is another place I love re-visiting it must be Meiji Temple! I have been here all the times I have been to Tokyo, and still am not sick of this place.
While in Tokyo, I met my aunt and her family who was also there. We met up in Harajuku and ate som lunch. Afterwards I asked them if they have been to Meiji Temple, and they haven’t so we decided to go there. They enjoyed the place as much as we did and we got to take a lot of pictures 🙂
You wouldn’t really believe that this place is just right beside Harajuku, which is such a busy area.
Here are some pictures I have taken from our visit there.
In this area, you get to wash your mouth and hands before entering the temple. The rules of washing the hands and face are written in both Japanese and in English.
Unfortunately, parts of the temple was closed. We wouldn’t be able to take photos of the temple as it is forbitten. At least it was when my brother and I went there when it was still open.
Hvordan de så ut i går ja. Dette er fordi selv om lakken var tørket før jeg la meg, så er de rett og slett ikke glansfull i dag. De ser litt grusomme ut. haha. Ingen legger vel merke til det bortsett fra meg så.
Jeg er ganske sliten allerede nå, men den gode nyheten er at vi er ferdig med prosjekskisse 2! vi ble ferdig med den for noen minutter siden. Vi har tenkt å sende det inn til veilederen våres før vi skal levere det inn neste uke. 🙂
Jeg klarte å bestille to Kylie lipsticks for noen uker siden. Jeg vet ikke hva som kom over meg, men jeg bestillte to leppestifter. Begge er matte og de er i fargen Mary Jo K og Candy K. Disse fikk jeg i går 😀
Jeg har testet de og den røde er knallrød! De er faktisk litt vanskelig å fjerne, tro meg! De holder ganske lenge, men jeg synes at leppene mine ser tørre ut etter noen minutter.
I dag tok jeg laser! Hårfjerning med laser i armhulene. Jeg tok det hos Best of You(BOY) nede på Dronning Eufemias gate.
Det er første gangen jeg har tatt laser, men dette har jeg tenkt på en stund. Det var perfect timing når Let’s Deal la ut en laserbehandling tilbud i begynnelsen av mai. Det tok lang tid før jeg ble sikker at dette var noe jeg ville prøve.
Det var en litt rar følelse, litt vanskelig å beskrive. Enkelte steder var det veldig varmt i armhulene mine, men jeg tror det er i de områdene der det er mest hår.
Behandlingen tok under en halvtime og jeg kan fortsette med mine daglig aktiviteter 🙂
Jeg pynter på meg sjeldent og ikke minst så har jeg ofte korte negler. Har latt neglene mine vokse i det siste, og jeg må bare si at fingrene mine ser feminine ut. Vanligvis så ser fingrene mine tjukke ut haha.
I dag bestemte jeg meg for å pynte neglene mine og da valgte jeg å bruke neglelakken som jeg kjøpte i Japan.
Neglelakken kom forresten med en topcoat, noe som er en bonus. Neglelakken er i fargen nude. Liker fargen veldig godt, det jeg ikke liker derimot er påføringsbørsten. Børsten var ikke fin i det hele tatt, når jeg påførte det på neglene mine så var det stripete. Da jeg påførte topcoaten derimot ble disse stripene borte.