I januar bestemte jeg for å ta med broren min til en dagstur til London. Det var mitt tidlig 18 års bursdagsgave til han. Dagstur vil si at vi drar til og fra London samme dag. Hvis jeg ikke husker feil, reiste vi fra Norge kl 7 og reiste fra London kl 17. Vi var i London sammen med familien i 2012, og vi bestemte da for å droppe sightseeing.
Dagen vi skulle reise hadde vi faktisk mellom to til tre timers søvn og dette var på flyet til London og på toget fra flyplassen til London sentrum. Jeg tror dette skyldes at vi var begge redde for å forsove oss eller fordi vi gledet oss virkelig for turen.
Da vi ankom Victoria station droppet vi bagasjene våres i en sånn Luggage Locker og så dro vi av gårde til å shoppe. Først dro vi til Covent Garden og bare vindushoppet. Vi var veldig sultne etter en time og fant en burger sjappe som heter Shake Shack. De har en av de beste burgerne jeg har spist! Så hvis noen skal til London så anbefaler jeg at dere tar en tur innom. Vi dro også til Neal’s Yard, hadde lest om de fargerike “alley” de hadde der. Det tok litt tid før vi fant den, men den var virkelig fint der.
Etter Covent Garden dro vi til Harrods. Vi dro dit ikke for å shoppe, men for å ta bedre bilder av Diana’s memorial for mamma. Da mamma dro dit i 1999 hadde hun bare tatt dårlige bilder. Harrods var for dyrt for meg. Etter Harrods var vi i Bond Street og Oxfords Street lenge. Broren min gikk løs på Topman! Vi gikk litt løs på shopping da vi dro til Primark. Billig og masse ting å velge mellom, alltid en storfavoritt!
Vi ble faktisk ferdig med shopping veldig tidlig, og hadde to timer til overs. Vi følte faktisk at vi hadde vært i London i flere dager og ikke timer. Da vi endelig bestemte oss for å dra tilbake til flyplassen stappet vi bare alt vi kjøpte inn i bagasjen.
Da vi kom hjem tilbake til Norge, gikk vi rett til hvert vår soverom og sov! Vi var visst så sliten.
// On January my brother and I decided to go on a day trip to London. It was my early 18th birthday gift for him. By day trip it means that we arrive and depart from London on the same day. If I am not mistaken we left Norway at around 7AM and left London at around 5PM. We decided to drop sight seeing in London because our family went to London in 2012 and did most of the sight seeing there.
We went to London with only two or three hours worth of sleep. We did not manage to sleep, maybe it is because we were both scared of oversleeping or because we were just too excited.
When we arrived Victoria Station the first thing we did was to leave our luggages at a Luggage Locker. We went to Covent Garden and went window shopping. After an hour or so we were incredibly hungry, and we managed to find the best burger place- Shake Shack! If you ever go to London, I recommend going to this place. After our brunch we went to Neal’s Yard. I saw beforehand that they had this colorful alley, and I really wanted to see this. We got lost along the way finding the alley, but after a while we found it. Neal’s Yard was colorful indeed.
After Covent Garden, we went to Harrods. We did not go there to shop, I couldn’t afford it anyways. We went there because back in 1999 our mother went to London and took some really bad photos of Princess Diana’s memorial. We wanted to give our mom a better picture of Princess Diana’s memorial. After Harrods we then went to Bond Street and Oxfords Street to shop! My brother went to Topman, he took a bit of time there. We then went to Primark. Primark is amazing, it is cheap and they have a lot of clothes to choose from.
Surprisingly our shopping ended quite early. We actually felt that we had stayed in London for days and not hours. We decided to just head back to the airport. We retrieved our bags fro the luggage locker and just put all our bags inside our baggages.
When we arrived back home, the first thing we did was go straight to our bedrooms. I guess we were that tired