At the end of July, I went to Helsinki, Finland with the bf and my sister. I wanted to go to Finland before because of three reasons:

  1.  I have never been to Finland and wanted to visit a new country.
  2. I have always been curious about Finland. I keep on hearing how better they are than Norway in some aspects such as school
  3. There is a special hotstamp from Louis Vuitton there.

We were in Helsinki from the 31st of Julyt until the 4th of August, we were supposed to leave on the 3rd, but that can be a different blog post altogether.

How was Helsinki?

The weather was hot, although during our last day it rained heavily for a few minutes. They have a lot of malls and they are open quite late! Some of the stores they had, we have in Norway. At one point it felt like I never left Oslo.

Photos from Helsinki will follow.


This sculpture is actually quite cool! Because if you look at it from a different angle, it appears that they are hugging.

They have a make your own Magnum ice cream store. However, the  queue was always long, and if I remember correctly I found the price a bit steep!

The Helsinki Cathedral

This place is actually a sauna/pool place! They have a pool at the harbour!

Some jazz music playing while strolling the park is never wrong 🙂

A beautiful garden room inside a mall.

Helsinki’s old market hall

Some photos from our small cruise to the zoo, which is on an island

The Louis Vuitton stamp from Helsinki 🙂

Hello! I know I have been away for quite sometime. Blogging is not easy at all! I have been working a lot during the summer vacation, I did go on two vacations and August was a really hectic month. I signed up to be an International Buddy (fadder) so school started early for me, and then school started while I was working at the same time!

I have three subjects at school, two of which has assignments. During my “day-offs” I sleep!

Will write a catch-up article now 😀

On Fridays I usually work, and yesterday I was also working. The difference though was that I had to rush home as soon as I finished because of game night. I have never been to a game night before 🙈

The bf and I were invited by common friends to join them at game night. Ever since I got my job four years ago, I haven’t really been into social activities. I get tired mentally and physically. On my day offs I watch new movies, sleep or visit family, especially since I moved out. I did however make a promise that I would meet friends often this summer. That’s why I decided to go to game night. To be honest I wanted to stay home and sleep 🙈

Before going there, I asked the bf to take some photos of me 🙈

A bit of an awkward pose 🙈 working on those though 🙈

We arrived at my friends house around 10 people because we had to drop by Rema1000 to buy some snacks.

We were a total of 9 people there and we played games.

This game was fun, and I won along with another friend. Not bad for first timers.

Basically you get roles and teams. If you’re a werewolf the goal is to not get chosen by the others to get shot. If a werewolf gets chosen to be shot, the good guys get points, if no werewolves are shot, they get the point, if a Tannee gets shot only he gets the point. Quite fun game! We did about 15 rounds. Thinking of buying it from Outland, costs about 230 though 🙈

Avalon was the last game we played! It’s also roleplaying with three bad guys, Merlin and the rest good guys. The bad guys’ goal is to win, and it is by sabotaging the quests. Merlin knows who these bad guys are and will need to give clues to the good guys.

It was an intense game, requires more thinking and trust, and at the same time not trusting others. We only managed two rounds with this, because by the time we finished it was already around 3:20AM!

I had so much fun with the games in the presence of friends.

I went to Los Tacos yesterday with the bf! This is my second time trying Los Tacos.

I am actually on a low carb diet atm, but yesterday after workout, I just had to have carbs!

My bf chose the Chipotle Chicken Burrito, while I went for the Bowl with Grilled Chicken.

The bowl had rice, black beans, salad, salsa, chipotle sauce amongst others and it cost about 118 kr.

Here is my bowl

Halfway through the bowl I was already feeling stuffed. So I gave some to my bf 🙈

The bowl was quite delicious and the price was not so bad!

If it wasn’t for my best friend who wanted to eat at Los Tacos last week, I think I would’ve never have tried this place.

Worth a visit! It’s located at Jernbanetorget at Europarådets plass 1

I remember a few years ago when bubble tea was so new, there were a lot of bubble tea shops in Oslo. Somehow, they disappeared one by one except for the one in Oslo City (as far as I know).

Last week I discovered that there is a new Bubble or Boba tea store in Oslo.  Of course I had to visit it, it has been way too long since I’ve had bubble tea and I have been craving for some!

Unfortunately they were out of Matcha and Taro when I visited, so I tried the mango iced tea.

Delicious! Especially the poppings 🙈
I also tried their coconut milk. A bit too sweet for my taste, but good as well.

The cup is so cute, especially the writings on the back

The cups are also re-usable, which is nice!

For those wanting boba tea in Oslo, the address is Skippergata 32. It is down at Karl Johans Gate 😊

Now I am craving for some as well 🙈

A few weeks ago I spent a few days in a cottage at Tjøme.

To go the cottage we had to travel by boat! Which was, in my opinion, a great way to travel 😊

We didn’t really do anything special except drink alcohol all day, eat grilled food, play on Nintendo Switch or old board games, sleep late, bathe and sunbathe. Very relaxing few days and an escape from the busy life.

Here are some photos 😊

Yesterday, my boyfriend and I went to Fridays at Karl Johan for a late anniversary celebration. We arrived at Fridays around 9PM and were seated inside.

There were not a lot of people inside, but we were seated between a couple and a man.

The menu we got had only starters, burgers and ribs, so there weren’t really a lot of meals to chose from.

The man beside us left quite mad, I think he sat there for a long time. We didn’t really see a server til around after 20 minutes of sitting there. We were actually just considering leaving. When the waitress came she came to my bf and I. The couple beside us seemed annoyed, and I did tell the waitress to take their orders first as they were there before us.

We ordered Chips and dips, refillable soda, ribs and burger.

We got our chips and dips around 21:45. It was good!

My boyfriend drank all of his soda and asked for a refill. We didn’t see a refill until after he asked for his refill when the waitress came back 10 minutes later. On the brightside he got the refill for free. I decided to not drink up my soda and save it for the rest of the night.

In the meantime, another couple was seated between us. They have been sitting there for a long time as well. It took the waitress incredibly long time to take their orders.

The first couple beside us got their food around 22. And they have been sitting there around 30 minutes before us. Our food came 22:10, which meant we have been sitting there for an hour already!

I ordered ribs, the onion rings were delicious, fries and coleslaw was a bit meh. I wasn’t able to eat up everything though. My food came in a tray btw, not that attractive if you ask me.

Anyways while eating the other couple beside us had to return both their food. I think the guys fries were cold, and the bread his wife had was burned. I think it took another 15 or 20 minutes before the wife got her food. His came a bit earlier. By the time the wife got her food they pretty much didn’t stay that long.

My boyfriend and I weren’t able to eat up all our food to be honest, we usually do.

I was actually excited to go to Friday’s to celebrate our anniversary. I was looking into eating their delicious oreo ice cream. With their slow service and almost non existent servers, we just dropped it. We figured if we ordered it it wouldn’t come to us until 23:30 and it would probably be melted.

I am very disappointed in TGI Fridays Karl Johans’ service, pretty sure I was not the only one. It felt like those of us who were seated inside were neglected. The waiters  took a long time to get our orders and food. When they asked us three couples who sat beside each other if our food was okay, we were almost finished eating. The waiters were not attentive, someone from a group who sat before us had to raise their hand to get a waitress attention.

I don’t think I would recommend anyone going to Friday’s Karl Johan. Not worth the money! I think I would go to the one in Jernbanetorget. I had a much better experience there when I went there earlier this year.

Last Tuesday I went to my unions summer party 😊

We had some barbeque, homemade burger sauce and some tapas.

I had a burger with my toppings of my choice, and grilled corn.

When the sun was out, it was so hot. So I was a bit glad whenever the sun would be covered by the clouds. It wasn’t as great when the sun was out for good! Why? Because it became very cold 😔😔😔

I did not have any jacket with me. This was my outfit.

A white top from BikBok, a skirt from Object Collectors Item and white Keds shoes. So yeah it was cold.

I didn’t drink any alcohol so I was probably the only one sober there 😂

I did have a great time getting to know new colleagues 😊

So I officially had my school vacation on Thursday, June 14 4:30PM. But just because I have vacation from school doesn’t mean I have vacation.

My work decided to remove the over time restriction, so I have been working a lot since June 15 😝 I have only had Monday and Wednesday off this week. Next week I only have Tuesday and Thursday off!

So I have been a lot more busier than what I have initially planned 😭

I was able to meet and catch up with a friend of mine. We went to Starbucks, and yeah they mispelled my name even though I spelled it 😑

I will be going on short vacations, but as of now I will be working a lot. I’ll try to meet up with friends and family ❤️


A few weeks ago I joined an instagram contest held by Pursesandpugs. When the contest ended a week or two ago, I was shocked to find out that I won.

I was very happy that I won 🙈 I received it about two days after the contest endelig 😁 so here it is 🙈

It is very pretty and I like the color a lot 💜

Here it is on my arm 😁

What do you think?

Have a nice day 💕