Hello! How has your January been? Mine has been hectic! I started the year working, then the day after picked up the keys to our new student housing! Moved almost everything by the end of the week!

The week after I was a buddy for international students, which was fun!

The week after that school started while I have been juggling work. Then I traveled to London with my sister, then to Paris alone!

This week I will juggle school, work and workout!

I will try to write the rest of my Paris trip and the trips I had for this year. I may start with ny recent travels 😊

On Wednesday, December 20, I was awaiting the arrival of my boyfriend! In the meantime I went to Sephora and shopped!

I don’t usually buy make-up but I felt like I had to, and I actually bought for my sister and some for me.

We don’t have Sephora in Norway 😢 I also wanted to try Rihannas Fenty Beauty make-up!

Here is my haul!

This is the most I have used on make-up! Make-up is so expensive! It’s crazy.

My sister wanted something from Too Faced because ”they smell and tastes so good”. The smell good part is true. I loved the smell of this peach pallette. I did tell my sister that I didn’t buy this because it was expensive. I gave this to her as a Christmas gift, and she loved it!

Next up are a bunch of different things from Sephora such as facial soap, masks, brush cleanser and Sampar!

Sampar is an awesome product. When I came to Paris I had this giant pimple that wouldn’t pop on my face. It was huge and really hurt. I tried Sampar, and it stung so bad, but my pimple got a bit smaller the next day. I visited three more Sephoras to buy more. They were always almost sold out. Almost because whenever they tell me they’re sold out, they try to find one and they’re like ”this is the last one”. Don’t be fooled by the box though, Sampar is tiny!

Next up is Fenty Beauty!

The pallette is for my sister as well, she was very surprised  and not to mention happy when she saw it hidden inside her Christmas gift 😊

She wanted a foundation, but since she wasn’t there to test the color, I had to. I am color 210, and risked buying her one in the same color. Luckily it was a perfect fit for her. I did tell her I bought her one, so this was not  a surprise for her.

I also bought two Galaxy Lip sticks. The color is absolutely gorgeous 😍 I bought one for myself, and the other one as a reseve.

Here is a photo of me with and without the Fenty Pro Filter.

The left photo was taken on the 21st of December while the right photo was taken on December 24.

The left photo is make-up free, except for the eyebrows, while the right photo is with my full-on make-up 🙈

Not sure if there is much difference.

Neways, then I got a lot of samples! They love giving out samples at Sephora, wished they have out samples here in Norway as well.

These are all the samples I received, I gave some to my sister. I still have to try them out though 😊

Also, going to Sephora make take you longer than expected! My boyfriend had to wait for me for about half an hour because I took too long at Sephora 🙈

So after Louis Vendome I went to various places such as Galleries Lafayette, Champs-Élysées and what I like to call for Little Tokyo.

Galleries Lafayette was a little bit crowded, but not as crowded as I am used to. I visited Longchamp and usually I have to stand on a queue, but this time I went straight in.

I was looking for a Paris bag. I already have one, which is already quite worn on the sides from constant use. They had the bag, but in colors I did not like.  Next I went to Chanel because there was no queue. I have to say I found it intimidating to go inside the store. I don’t know why, but it’s just intimidating. I left the store with a card with some pricing info, which was nice.

The Christmas decoration at Galleries Lafayette was wonderful through! The decors around the ” Christmas tree” were moving, it was so mesmerizing!

After Galleries Lafayette, I went to Champs-Élysées and went to the Louis Vuitton store. It was such a big store! I got a perfume sample in a big bag 😂 I went there almost empty handed as well 😊

I don’t have photos from inside of the store, but I do have photos of the display windows outside 😂

After my small visit there, I decided to walk to little Tokyo. So it meant I had to walk from Champs-Élysées, back to Vendome then to Little Tokyo. If you ask me why I did not use the subway, well I wanted to see the Christmas market.

There wasn’t any Christmas market along Champs-Élysées! They had it last year, but they may have removed them because of terror. I did manage to take some photos, and Champs-Élysées during the night is still quite nice 😊

I think it took me about an hour or half an hour to go to Little Tokyo. I should probably stop calling it Little Tokyo, the place is somewhere in Rue Saint Anne. They have a lot of Japanese, Chinese and Korean restaurants there.

I did drop by an Asian store to buy some furikake. Furikake are toppings you put on top of rice 😊

After that I went to a restaurant called Sapporo, and ate Yakiniku alone. It’s so sad 😂 The food was good though 😋

I think I was back at the hotel before 9 PM. I watched Netflix the rest of the night. FYI! Netflix France has a lot more movies and series than Netflix Norway!

Hello and hope you had a lovely Christmas 🎄

Anyways, back to my Paris trip! I was alone in Paris up until Wednesday. So what I did during the day I was alone was to carry on with my business!

My first agenda was to visit Louis Vuitton Place Vendome!

That is because in this store you can get a special stamp, and I had some tags to stamp for friends and to trade 😊 you see in the months of my absence from this blog, I became addicted to collecting stamps from Louis Vuitton 🙈

I didn’t get to take a lot of photos inside, since I think it’s embarassing however I managed to get some

While waiting almost an hour for the hot stamping guy to come I was looking around the floor and bought a few tour books for my brother and I. I was also offered drinks, and I chose tea 😊

The hot stamping process was fascinating and it took a few minutes to get all the tags I brought with me stamped 😊

Here is my tag stamped with the LV Sun 😍 it is one of my prettiest stamp to date 🙈

I actually came out of the store with a giant shopping bag, but really all that was inside of it were two books! 🙈

Tje other book was wrapped nicely because I told the SA that it was a gift for my brother, which it was so I don’t have a photo of it 🙈

I also went or walked by the store during the evening and took a photo of the building. It is so gorgeous 😍

Merry Christmas from me to you and your family 🎄

I am still currently at work and won’t be off until 6:30, which is under 30 minutes. Can’t wait to get home and celebrate💕

Hope your celebration will be fantastic 💕💕💕

Hello! It is the second to the last day of my stay in Paris and also second to the last day of my vacation!

This year we are staying at Hotel Design Sorbonne! This is seriously my favorite hotel!

I came to Paris a few days ahead of my boyfriend, since he still had exams on Tuesday 😑

Anyways here are some photos of the hotel. There seems to be a lack of lighting, but I’ve tried my best to brighten the photos. Also we are staying at the first floor, so I can’t open the curtains or else visitors and the receptionists may see me.

When I arrived, I had mail from Louis Vuitton containing tickets to the Fondation Louis Vuitton! My SA fixed it for me 😁

So I still have one more exam left, an oral exam. However, I do not know if I will have it on Thursday or Friday.

In the meantime, I have been slowly packing my stuff from my room. It is unbelievably hard to pack away stuff. I have a lot of stuff I have put up on sale as well, but things are kinda slow these days. It is probably because it’s almost Christmas.

Why am I packing? Well, I will be moving out soon. I am finally being an adult adult. I will be moving out at the start of the year, which is pretty soon. Very soon actually.

I need to go back to packing my stuff

I never thought that going back to school would make my schedule so hectic. University and College are two different things! I went to College for three years and was able to work, travel and study at the same time, but in University it is way more difficult to combine all of those things. We have mandatory classes, so traveling is not an option. For the past few months every Wednesday and Fridays I have started very early. Like 4-5AM early, which means I have been awake at 3 AM during those days. After that I go straight to school with a few minutes to spare. The rest of my days I use to sleep or work out, but mostly sleep. I don’t really have any spare days to be honest. When I get home, I am quite tired that blogging is not the first thing on my mind. I haven’t been near my computer for a long time too! It’s crazy!

I have one last exam though, which is an oral exam next week. I do have some free time now, for a while, but I kinda need to unpack my room. Guess what? I am moving out soon! Like January 2 soon 😛

Different Japanese snacks and drinks

It would take a long time if I wrote a post for each and everything we ate there, so I’ll just clump them up into one post.Unfortunately I haven’t been able to take a photo of everything we ate, so these are the ones I have on my phone.

We’ll start first with the food, then drinks, and desserts 🙂

For starters let me just tell you that Japanese food are delicious and not to mention cheap!

This is Takoyaki with teriyaki sauce and eggs. These were cold eggs by the way, and they were delicious

This is a meal we buy at Family Mart, a 7-11 like store, except they have much better selection and is open 24/7! This has been our brunch for most of our stay there. Not only is it cheap, but it is absolutely delicious!. Underneath it is a lot of rice, way too much rice.

This is a supermarket sushi. Yes, supermarket, and it cots around 45NOK! Not only are they good, but cheap as well. The 49 NOK sushi from Rema 1000 has nothing on these, tastewise. These are the type of sushi you get at an overpriced restaurant here in Norway.

These are also from FamilyMart, quite cheap as well, I think they are under 20NOK.

Now, let’s move on to desserts

This one is the equivalent of “saft is”. They have ice-y bits on the inside, but this is perfect for a hot weather.

This is Matcha soft serve with black sesame seed cone from an ice cream store calle 63 C.

Pringle with wasabi flavor. This was quite good actually, not to spicy.

These are wasabi lolipop. I haven’t eaten my salmon yet, but my boyfriend says ” Can I have yours, since you may get a sore throat from the sweetness of it “. It’s actually as long as my middle finger, so it is quite big compared to normal lolipops.

Here’s a mix of desserts and food. The rice ball on the left, is onigiri with sour plum. Love sour plum and onigiri together. Perfect go-to meal or snack. Then we have a grape beer? I really have no idea, I was celebrating getting an A on our bachelor thesis. Then we have lemon shots, which have been my best friend for the first three days in Japan. It is because I became sick on the plane. And then we have milk pudding! It is so good!

Here are some other drinks.

Melon Soda! This is the only melon soda I love to drink!

Fanta Kiwi + E was suprisingly good, hard to decribe how it tastes like.

To be honest this wasn’t good at all,too sour. I only wanted the bottle 😛

I wished I took photos of everything we ate, but sometimes when you have little time or really hungry that is not the first thing that comes up on your mind.

Looking back at these photos makes me miss Japan more and wished we had more choices here in Norway.


On our last night in Toyko, we ate dinner at an okonomiyaki place in Shibuya! We liked the place last year and wanted to visit it again.

This is how the table looks like. We or they cook the food on that plate 🙂

On each table, there are instructions on how to make an okonomiyaki.

On every table there is an hourglass that lasts for 4 minutes. There are also various Japanese condiments such as sesame seeds, mayonnaise, okonomiyaki sauce and bonito flakes. We also have lids to put on top of the okonomiyakis. Also there are ashtrays! Yes, ashtrays since Japanese people still smoke inside restaurants and cafés.

While deciding what to order, we ordered some appetizers. Cucumbers and some sort of sauce and squid rings 🙂

We finally managed to choose something to eat after eating our appetizers. My boyfriend ordered the Kagoshima BLack pork for 1380 YEN around 98NOK. While I ordered the Pork, Welsh onion and soft boiled egg for 1280 YEN around 91 NOK.

Here is how our meal looks like when they arrive! The waitress, mixes everything that needs to me mixed and puts them on our cooking plate.

When she is done she puts a lit on top of our okonomiyaki, and from then on we are the ones who flips it’s side every after four minutes.

We put the mayo and the sauce ourselves and designed it like that. I was so proud of my self 🙂

Here is our finished meal! Not picture perfect, but oh so good! The eggs, onions and other toppings we put ourselves 🙂