Kevin Hart ”What Now” Tour Oslo

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English translation below the picture 🙂

I dag var jeg på Kevin Hart sin What Now Tour. Jeg har aldri vært på en liknende show noen sinne, så dette er første gangen. Jeg må bare si at jeg hadde en utrolig fin opplevelse. Jeg lo gjennom hele showet. Plastic Cup Boyz er også like morsomt som Kevin Hart. Joey Wells, Will ?Spank? Horton og Na’im Lynn var helt fantastiske.

Kevin Hart er så morsomt. Jeg kunne faktisk relatere meg til noen av det han sa om kvinner XD Tror nok at typen min hadde ertet meg om han var der også, siden noen av beskrivelsene passet meg godt!

For å være helt ærlig likte jeg at det var forbudt med mobiltelefoner under showet. Det gjorde at man fikk fokusert på hva de sier, og at man ikke blir distrahert av mobilktelefonene til folk. Heldigvis fikk vi lov mot slutten å ta frem mobiltelefonene våres 😀 Så fikk tatt litt bilder. Jeg har ikke de beste bildene, så dette er vel det eneste ordentlige jeg har.

Vi satt forresten på midten, så jeg kunne se Kevin Hart fra avstand 😀 Vi var heldige med plassene vi fikk, siden jeg forventet at vi skulle sitte veldig langt fra scenen.

Jeg kommer nok til å prøve å se på flere Kevin Hart shows i fremtiden sammen med Plastic Cup Boyz. I am now a big fan!

Så dere showet? Hva synes dere? Er dere fans av Kevin Hart?

I went to the Kevin Hart What Now tour. I have never been to any comedy shows before, so this is the first time. I had such an amazing experience! I laughed throughout the whole show. Plastic Cup Boyz were equally funny as Kevin Hart. Joey Wells, Will ?Spank? Horton and Na’im Lynn were fantastic!

Kevin Hart is really funny! I could actually relate to some of his descriptions of women XD I think that if my boyfriend was there, he would have teased me a lot since those description fit me.

To be honest I liked that cellphones were not allowed at all during the show. It made people focus on what was said and not distracted with people’s phones. We were however allowed to take our phones out during the end 😀 I got to take some pictures. They were not however the world’s best pictures, and this is the only decent one I have.

By the way, we sat in the middle. I could see Kevin Hart from the distance 😀 We were quite lucky with the seats we got, since I expected we would get a seat very far from the scene.

I might try to see more Kevin Hart shows in the future, along with the Plastic Cup Boyz if they all ever come back to Oslo. I am now a big fan of them all!

Did you see the show? What did you think? Are you a fan of Kevin Hart?

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