When I went to the Philippines, I told my mom that I wanted to explore the country and not just stay at one place. So we went to Siargao and stayed there for a three days, but I wished we stayed longer.
In Siargao, they have banned plastic bags. So when shopping for produce you have to bring your own bag or buy a bag made of cloth, which is impractical if you’re buying meat or fish.
In Siargao transportation is by motorcycle or moped. Last time I drove one, was when I was 15! We had to rent one, and I was like yeah sure it’s probably easy! Took me a some time to figure out how to turn the thing on. After I got a hold of driving, it wasn’t a problem having my mom and my sister on my back 🙈
There are a lot of stray dogs in Siargao. The food is great especially the mango shakes they have. And every day that we were there, we got full body massages! So great to have.
Unfortunately, when it is summer vacation here in Norway it is rainy season in Siargao. I think if we were there when it is dry season, it would’ve been much much better weather-wise 😊
I would like to go back there and stay longer. Missing the Siargao life.