Time check: 8:40 PM
It is still bright here in Oslo, I think the sun is still up. How bright you ask? Look at the photo below taken at 8:39PM.
I am on my way home and will try to sleep ASAP. Why sleep so early? Well, this lady just said yes to a shift starting 4:50AM tomorrow! Awesome right? 😭😭😭
Luckily I am exhausted. Weirdly enough a shift from 8-16 made me much more exhausted, than my shifts between 4-11. What’s positive about me being exhausted is that I probably will fall asleep faster. Because let’s face it sleeping around 9PM is early for someone who normally sleeps at 2AM.
I did prepare myself for tomorrow 😎
Bought myself Battery Black Edition 😎😎😎
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