During our second day in Osaka we went to Osaka Castle. My bf and I went there two years ago, but I wanted my sister to experience it as well. What I liked about the public transportation system in Osaka was that the station leading towards Osaka Castle had signs on them that can help us tourists find our way.
When we left the station it was then my bf and I relaized that we may have taken a longer route last time. This time, the moment we left the station we could see Osaka Castle.
On our way to the castle one can see the outer walls of Osaka Castle, some with some water and some with plants growing on them.
Osaka Castle is a beauty in my opinion. Just look at this castle!
Might I just add that the castle may look old, but the interior is pretty modern. When you go inside it is like a hotel reception. There is an elevator that leads straight up to the 5th or 6th floor. From there on you have to walk to the last two floors to go to the roof. On each floor there are different installations. There are a few floors where photos are absolutely forbidden. Also on each floor there are chairs to rest, I used it often!
The first thing we did however when reaching the top was go to the rooftop to see the view. We went there around 4PM so that’s why the sky is a bit pink-ish.
We were there until a few minutes before it would close, we did go around all the floors.
When we left the Castle, the sunset really gave Osaka Castle this lovely color!
On our way back to the suway we saw cherry blossoms! It has always been my dream to see Cherry blossoms in Japan! I did not expect to see it during December! Made my day much better seeing cherry blossoms